Monday, January 5, 2015

Reality bits - "All that glam!"

We are writers, hear us roar…
Some things you (do) know, and have to laugh about being a writer

  • people think you are cool
  • people think you’re a snob, wanna be author

  • you have a great social life
  • wait, you don’t have one anymore

  • your fans are really taken by one of your characters
  • you are killing him off

  • you just came up with your new BIG idea
  • that big idea is now being shared with you, as someone else’s big idea

  • you have joined some new and great groups
  • actually following those blog topics and forums takes time

  • you have just set up an awesome, new book event and are ready to rock!
  • nobody comes to your new and great event

  • you spent all day writing and finally hit the nail on the head!
  • you wake up at 3 am because it’s all wrong

  • you finally land a contract
  • no one understands why you still need your day job

  • you are fully engaged in your book and your characters
  • nobody else you are close to has any idea what you are talking about

  • your book is selling great on Amazon!
  • you just got your worst review ever, on Amazon

At the end of the day,

you learn to take the hits
you learn
and you love it all, despite itself


  1. Aah, the duality of life! That double-edged sword that both empowers and humbles us...but your humorous take on it delighted me even if it cuts close to the core!

  2. I know does cut, doesn't it? But we always come back for more cause we love it! :) Good stuff.
